BOXCAR | 2018
This short documentary was co-produced for my video production class during my spring semester. BOXCAR follows an anonymous South Florida graffiti artist as he searches for the perfect train car to tag and discusses the meaning of art.
Memorias | 2018 (Images coming soon)
Something I’ve struggled with throughout my life is the fear of losing precious memories, people, and the feelings associated with each. At a certain point, it’s necessary to either find a way to cope or to move on—this project, made as part of an honors curriculum for my photographic lightning class, is a step in that direction. To represent this fear of degradation and loss, I spent a weekend photographing both family members and strangers trying to capture the in-between moments of their actions while using natural light in a nostalgic, genuine approach. I then printed the images onto transfer film and created transfers onto printmaking paper using hand sanitizer. For each image I transferred two variations, one more neat, the other with both premeditated and accidental imperfections. This method forced me to delegate the outcome of these images in part to chance instead of trying to control the way they end up, speaking to the necessity of letting things like memories take their natural course.
This series was created as my final project for my Multimedia Practicum course, the last class I took before graduating. Inspired by a short film I’ve been piecing together over the last year, Remember Me is a photo series that reflects what I’m looking to create visually, acting as a storyboard of stills from my future film. The film of the same title chronicles the story a young girl who finds herself in the care of her estranged older cousin after her parents are suddenly deported. The short film follows the pair as they spend one day together, her guardian attempting to distract her while the rest of their family race against ICE and CPS for long term custody.